SLAE64 Assignment 3 - Egg Hunter Shellcode
This third assignment is to create an Egg Hunter shellcode and a working demo, with a payload easily configurable.
All the source code for this assignment can be found on my github repository
The Egg Hunter technique
I will re-use the same technique as for the SLAE 32 assignment, I will not explain the technique again so if you want to know more about the principle of the egg hunter please take a look at the links below :
My blog post for the SLAE 32bits
A reference paper by Skape : Safely Searching Process Virtual Address Space
A tutorial on memory paging : x86 Paging Tutorial
A minor difference
The syscall sigaction has been replaced by the rt_sigaction syscall, which take an additional argument :
From the manual page :
The original Linux system call was named sigaction(). However, with the addition of real-time sig‐
nals in Linux 2.2, the fixed-size, 32-bit sigset_t type supported by that system call was no longer
fit for purpose. Consequently, a new system call, rt_sigaction(), was added to support an enlarged
sigset_t type. The new system call takes a fourth argument, size_t sigsetsize, which specifies the
size in bytes of the signal sets in act.sa_mask and oldact.sa_mask. This argument is currently re‐
quired to have the value sizeof(sigset_t) (or the error EINVAL results). The glibc sigaction()
wrapper function hides these details from us, transparently calling rt_sigaction() when the kernel
provides it.
The fourth argument is sigsetsize which is the value of sizeof(sigset_t) The old one was 32-bits and it has been enlarged so we can assume that the new one is 64bits…
But it’s better to be sure, from /usr/include/asm-generic/signal.h we can see :
#define _NSIG 64
... ...
typedef struct {
unsigned long sig[_NSIG_WORDS];
} sigset_t;
So we need to know the _NSIG_WORDS (_NSIG / _NSIG_BPW) size to know the sigset_t size. We have the value of _NSIG which is 64
For _NSIG_BPW it is set to __BITS_PER_LONG so we need to look into /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm/bitsperlong.h
#if defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__ILP32__)
# define __BITS_PER_LONG 64
# define __BITS_PER_LONG 32
ILP32 envirronment is for 32-bit Linux systems, 64-bit Linux systems are LP64, So this is were we can find the __BITS_PER_LONG definition and see that a long is 64 bits
Finally the sigset_t size is sizeof(unsigned long sig[64 / 64])), the size of an array of one long so 8 bytes.
The assembly code
; shellcode length 45 bytes
xor esi, esi ; set RSI to 0 to start from 0x000000001000 memory address
; lea rsi, [rel _start - 0x1000]
; uncomment to test the egghunter with shellcode.cpp,
; will start from the current memory page
; after "next_page" instructions
; and so we will not wait hours to see if the egghunter works
cld ; Ensure that we search in memory in the reverse stack order
; from lower to higher memory address
push 8 ; sigset_t size
pop r10 ; R10 set to sigsetsize
or si, 0xfff ; Set RSI pointing to the last byte of the current page
inc rsi ; Next offset, and next page if RSI is set to 0x0fff
jz next_page ; if RSI point to 0x00 (null ptr) got to next_page
xor edi, edi ; set RDI to invalid signum (for more robustness cf. Skape paper)
push 13
pop rax ; rt_sigaction syscall number
cdq ; set RDX to null pointer
cmp al, 0xf2 ; check if EFAULT
jz next_page ; if EFAULT go to next page
mov eax, 0x50905090 ; set EAX to our egg signature value
mov rdi, rsi ; set RDI to point to the address we want to check
scasd ; test for the first four bytes of the egg
; scasd compare EAX with DWORD at the address set in RDI,
; then increment the RDI register (DF is set to 0)
jnz next_address ; if it's not our egg signature go to the next address
scasd ; test for the four last bytes of the egg
jnz next_address ; if it's not go to the next address
jmp rdi ; Jump to our true payload,
; The address following our egg
The hunt
For the demonstration I’ve uncommented the second line :
lea rsi, [rel _start - 0x1000]
Because it take a lot much more time to search through all memory in x64
root@kali:~# ./ sigaction-egghunter
[x] Assembling...
[x] Linking...
[x] Dumped shellcode :
Then we add it to the following c++ code :
#include <iostream>
#define EGG "\x90\x50\x90\x50"
unsigned char egghunter[] = "\x48\x8d\x35\xf9\xef\xff\xff\xfc\x6a\x08\x41\x5a\x66\x81\xce\xff\x0f\x48\xff\xc6\x74\xf6\x31\xff\x6a\x0d\x58\x99\x0f\x05\x3c\xf2\x74\xea\xb8\x90\x50\x90\x50\x48\x89\xf7\xaf\x75\xe4\xaf\x75\xe1\xff\xe7";
unsigned char payload[] = EGG EGG \
"Hello !\n" payload
mov rax,0x0A21206f6c6c6548
push rax
mov rsi, rsp
xor edi, edi
mul edi
inc edi
mov dl, 8
inc eax
mov al, 60
int main() {
std::cout << "Payload size : " << sizeof(payload) - 9 << std::endl;
std::cout << "Egghunter size : " << sizeof(egghunter) - 1 << std::endl;
void (* hunt)() = (void (*)()) egghunter;
return 0;
And we run it :
skrox@kali:~$ g++ -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -o shellcode shellcode.cpp
skrox@kali:~$ ./shellcode
Payload size : 30
Egghunter size : 50
Hello !
And it’s over, see you next time :)
This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification
Student ID: PA-14186